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- - - Asiatic researches; or, Transactions of the Society instituted in Bengal, for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. Vol. 4. – 1799. – 503
I. DISCOURSE the Tenth.—On Asiatic History, civil and natural.
II. On three natural productions of Sumatra.
III. On the plant Morinda, and its uses.
IV. On the inhabitants of the hills near Rajamahall.
V. Additional remarks on the Spikenard of the Antients.
VI. On the Dhanesa, or Indian Buceros.
VII. On the Islands Nancowry and Comarty.
VIII. On the Loris, or Slow-paced Lemur.
IX. Astronomical observations made in the upper parts of Hindostan, and on a journey thence to Oujein.
X. Questions and Remarks on the Astronomy of the Hindus.
XI. Discourse the Eleventh. — On the philosophy of the Asiatics.
XII. Discourse delivered by Sir John Shore, Bart, President.
XIII. Treatise on the Barometer.
XIV. On the duties of a faithful Hindu Widow.
XV. On the traces of the Hindu language and literature extant amongst the Malays.
XVI. A catalogue of Indian plants.
XVII. Botanical observations on select Indian plants.
XVIII. A description of the Cuttub Minar.
XIX. Astronomical observations made on a voyage to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
XX. Astronomical observations made on a survey thro' the Carnatic and Mysore country.
XXI. Table of latitudes and longitudes of some principal places in India.
XXII. On some extraordinary facts, customs, and practices of the Hindus.
XXIII. Description of the Yak of Tartary.
XXIV. A description of the Jonesia.
XXV. Astronomical observations in Hindustan.
XXVI. A dissertation on Semiramis, &c. from the Hindu Sacred Books.
XXVII. On the Andaman Islands.
XXVIII. On Barren Island, and its Volcano.
XXIX. Extract from a diary of a journey over the Great Desart, from Aleppo to Bussora.
XXX. On the Tshamie of the Hindus.
XXXI. Some account of the Cave in the Island of Elephanta.
XXXII. An account of the present state of Delhi.
XXXIII. Botanical observations on the Spikenard of the Antients.